New – BE-2017 Baked Chicken Experiment V38
Just great profiles!
Serious great amp here!
Seeking to recreate the sound of a 2017 Friedman BE100 using the actual amp and the following equipment:
Count is now up to 360+ profiles!
Added 10 profiles, dual mic’d with a Sm57/MD421 II using a Marshal 1961a with a V30
Added 10 profiles, dual mic’d dual speaker. One is Franks Ei Ei Ei preset!
Added 4 profiles dual mic’d (57/7b) dual speaker (v30/cl80)
Added 15 profiles using a Marshall 1960AV and MD421II and SM57
Added 6 profiles using a Mesa 2×12 V30 dual mic’d with a SM57 and R121
Added 9 profiles using a Mesa 2×12 V30 dual mic’d with a SM57 and R121
Added 9 profiles using a Marshall 1960AV dual mic’d with a SM57 and R121
Added 8 profiles, 7 with Marshall 1960AV and the BE mode, 1 experimental.
Added 5 profiles, 2 merged samples from the coming Eddied EL34 pack.
Added 8 profiles using a Mesa OS 4×12 with Black Shadow 90 and V30 speakers.
Added 27 profiles using a Mesa OS 4×12 with Black Shadow 90 and V30 speakers.
Added 16 profiles using a G12H 30 speaker.
Added 11 profiles using a SPL Reducer.
Added 8 Experimental profiles.
Added 10 Experimental profiles.
Added 8 Experimental profiles.
Added 6 Profiles 5 of them are Experimental.
Added 14 Profiles using a Marshall 1960AV Cabinet using a Emi Private Jack, Cel Marshall V30, G12M65 Creamback and a WGS G12C with M160 and PR20 mics.
Added 16 Profiles using a Marshall 1960AV Cabinet using a Emi Private Jack, Marshall V30, G12M65 Creamback and a WGS G12C.
Added 6 Profiles using a Jens C12k and a Chinese Greenback with a SM7b and a R121.
Added 14 Profiles using a Jens C12k and a Chinese Greenback with a modded SM7b.
Added 12 Profiles using a Scum M75 with a E609 mic.
Added 11 Profiles using a Scum M75 with R121 and E609 mics.
Added 19 Profiles using a Lynchback and Scumback M75 with vairous mics.
Added 23 Profiles testing impedance matching and more. Using the Redback with E609 and PR20 with V30.
Added 14 Profiles of S switch 2 lowest gain on BE channel with Redback and E609. Mostly for single coil pickups.
Added 10 Profiles with the Red and EVH.
Added 7 Profiles using a Redback in a Mesa 1×12 cabinet using sm57 and e609 mics.
Added 4 Profiles using a Greenback in an open 1×12 pine cabinet with a sm57. Amazing how big a 1×12 can sound!
Added 4 Profiles using an Alnico Cream in an open 1×12 pine cabinet. 1 with a sm57 and 3 using a Beyerdynamic M160.
Added 6 Profiles dual speaker dual mic’d with a Greenback H75 and M25.
Added 7 Profiles using a Metropoulos 2×12 with Creamback H75s.
Added 4 Profiles using Mesa 2×12 with V30 mic’d with a SM57 and R121 boosted with a 4tin Blade. 2 BE, 2 HBE.
Added 26 profiles, 15 are DA.
Added 3 profiles and 1 edited version.
Added 1 high gain studio and 1 merged
This pack is now final and will have no more updates. Enjoy!
Red 4 in action:
This is all the same profile, first is the neck pickup with volume rolled back then bridge pickup full volume then the boost was turned on:
Clip of the 57 in action:
Sustain demo with the EVH speaker:
This is an experimental pack that will develop over time with user feedback.
Currently have 26 speakers, 6 cabinets, 10 microphones and a ton of different tubes.
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Click here for the Kemper forum thread
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Profiles are sold as a single non transferable license for use by the original purchaser.
Any trademarks are the property of their owners and we have no association with them. They are only stated to describe the equipment.